Accused of Violating Your Probation?
We Offer Strong Probation Violation Defense in San Diego
If you were recently accused of violating your probation, you have legal options. At San Diego Defense Pros, we represent clients facing all types of criminal charges. Even if we did not handle your initial criminal hearing, we can help you now.
Probation is outlined in California Penal Code § 1203. The judge grants probation as a part of a person's sentence, either in addition to or instead of jail/prison time. Essentially, the accused person agrees to perform and abstain from certain things for a predetermined amount of time, and this may include meeting with a probation officer at regular intervals.
Alleged Violations of Misdemeanor Probation
If you were convicted of a misdemeanor offense, the judge may have granted you probation in addition to or instead of jail time. The terms of your probation might include:
- Community service
- Ankle monitoring bracelet
- Required drug/alcohol treatment or counseling
- Fines or restitution to victims
Alleged Violations of Felony Probation
If you were convicted of a felony offense, the judge may have given you probation or parole – parole would go into effect after your prison sentence ends. Terms of felony probation can be the same as for misdemeanor probation, but usually more severe.
What to Expect at Your Probation Violation Hearing
If you are accused of violating your probation, you will be called to a probation revocation hearing. At this hearing, the judge will evaluate the terms of your probation and your alleged violation(s). The judge may decide to leave your probation the same, make your probation more restrictive, extend the length of your probation, or revoke your probation altogether and send you to jail/prison.
Probation and Deferred Entry of Judgment (DEJ)
California has a few different deferred entry of judgment (DEJ) programs for certain drug crimes. DEJ programs allow a defendant to plead guilty to a crime, but their sentence is "diverted" until successful completion of a diversion program or formal probation. Upon successful completion of this program, your charges can be dismissed.
If you have been accused of a probation violation while participating in a diversion program, it could put your future at risk. A violation on this type of program could mean that your charges will not be dismissed and a formal conviction will remain on your criminal record.
San Diego Defense Pros: We're Here to Help
If you have been accused of violating your probation, contact San Diego Defense Pros today. It is important to remember that an accusation does not mean you are guilty – you still have options. Having the right defense attorney on your side at the probation violation hearing can make a tremendous difference in the outcome.
When your future is on the line, trust our firm to get the job done! Call Us at (619) 215-1575.